Coming back to Germany, Saxonia after 4 month in Asia, I recognize how many people here look worried, concerned, suffering. Yes, I have heard the news. I have heard, how unskillful and immature some people, especially in my beloved East Germany react on the challenging situation we are facing as a country. It’s heartbreaking.
The taxi drivers are concerned, opening the conversation by complaining about the political situation, how good everything was back in the past, expressing their worries about the future… the many refugees, the politicians, the media, and now also Donald Trump.
“What is happing with the world?”, they ask.
Well, change is happening — as always. Maybe things are changing faster and maybe more dramatically now. Chaotic in a way. Old concepts and patterns don’t hold anymore and quickly, radically need to be questioned and challenged. And yes, that’s not exactly comfortable. But as far I as know from my own experience in life, being resentful towards change never works. And it maybe never worked for human beings in the entire history of this universe. It only leads to deeper conflict and suffering.
And this suffering is written in peoples faces, reflected in the way they hold and move their bodies, in the tone of their voices and the words they speak. There is fear, anger, impatience, uncertainty and aggression. And it’s all understandable, yet holding all this negative emotions and energy won’t help anybody. Also it’s not necessary.
Germans are known for their great rationality and logic (look at German Philosophy), as well as for their great poetry and art. Germans are known for being super efficient, neat and responsible. They like to have things in order and under control. And now suddenly — Germans are facing an uncomfortable truth: we totally have no control… zero. Shit is hitting the fan. It’s just happening and there is no easy solution, no comfortable plan to take away the pain — the pain of fast and unstoppable change. And that seems so very hard to except for some people. But again, being resentful, tight, hard and aggressive towards change won’t help, but only lead into deeper suffering.
So what to do?
Relax. Open up. Except the fact that nothing is under control. Anywhere. Safe the energy and open up your heart and mind. Relax. And if you don’t know how to do that, I have a suggestion: learn meditation. That’s the best.
And if you don’t want to try that, than maybe take a vacation in Thailand. If you want to experience, what being naturally relaxed, open hearted, soft, yet strong centered, gentle and flexible means, travel to one of the quiet islands of Thailand and learn from the Thai people. I am not joking, I mean that. Thai people seem so unconcerned and relaxed even though their own country is stricken by terror and conflict too and even though most individuals might have a hard working life or personal situation.
A Korean friend, who is working with Thai people now for a while, said to me recently “They are blessed, born to be relaxed.” Their all embracing warm hearted smile, their open body language and fearless gaze will melt you. Get a coffee or a juice in the local areas, sit down and watch the people. Connect with them, connect with the given moment. Embrace it. Give yourself to it. And you might receive something beautiful, that can truly open your heart and mind. Relax into it. It’s the only true way to make harmony — within yourself and in relationship to others.
Every culture has their own beat. Can you let go of yours and receive the given beat of the very moment? Can you give up control and allow it to happen? Can you let go of “I, my, me” of cultural preconceptions or ideas of what we think is “right” or “wrong”, “correct” or “not correct”? Can you connect with what IS?
Look into people faces. Smile, let go of thinking, let go of control, resentment, open your heart and be taken by the power of not knowing what is happening next. Just let it happen. There is actually nothing you need to do anyway. Just be alert, awake, curious and compassionate with yourself and others. The rest is happening by itself. So allow it to happen, and just rest in the fearless openness of your own heart and mind. That’s true relaxation.
Maybe than you can find this undisturbed quietness, a fearless resting in the openness of now, that you can see on the Thai peoples faces. Because you have it too. Everybody has it.
Relax. Nothing is under control. Be awake, alert, have compassion, but please be unconcerned.
Can you DO that?