Happiness IS. Not if… then... it just is.

Mu Bul 無佛
2 min readJul 27, 2017


A few weeks ago I had a conversation with a young woman. Successful, smart, attractive, bright and thriving. At some point I asked her what she wants in life. She replied “Oh, I just want to be happy!” … and so I asked her, what she thinks is keeping her from being happy just now and she went on about the small and big things that are missing in her life… I have heard that so many times and it still makes me somewhat sad, when I hear it: the if-then’s. Because its just that kind of if-then-thinking that keeps you from REALIZING what you already have… it’s all already there. But so very few people seem to look into the only direction where you will ever find it: inside yourself. Instead so many are obsessed with looking outside for it, which will never be of any long term success. Happiness is not something you GET or EARN or GAIN or even RECEIVE. It’s rather something that is with you, in you… All. The. Time!!! And when you realize that, you might wanna cry and you will ask yourself: “How could I miss something that was so close and never ever separated from me???”

“Happiness is the abscence of the striving for happiness.”

― Zhuangzi



Mu Bul 無佛
Mu Bul 無佛

Written by Mu Bul 無佛

Zen priest, M.A. Philosophy, who loves and does arts, photography and poetry. Above all loves life and the inevitable truth that appears by living it to death.

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